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Anchorage Trail WatchI would like to volunteer as:Trail Watcher: I want to volunteer according to my own schedule.Trail Watch Ambassador: I am willing to commit to a set schedule and trail segment as assigned. I am willing to volunteer at least 4 hours per week.Last Name First NameM.I. Mailing AddressCityZipcodeHome PhoneCell PhoneEmail Address Primary Trail UsesDo you belong to any Trail User Membership Organizations?If you selected yes, please list which in the box below:Which segment of the trails do you most frequently use?Coastal Trail ChesterCampbellKincaid TrailsBicentennial TrailsTrail Watch Volunteer Contract* Citizens who intervene in incidents on the Anchorage trail system will act on their own behalf and not as an agent of Anchorage Trail Watch.Would you be willing to assist with Trail Watch administrative tasks?Applicants are subject to background check.Date of Birth* * Trail Watch volunteers must be at least 18 years of age to participate in the program Please enter Email Address again to verify (select one)
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